Doing business in the city of Denver requires obtaining a business license from the Department of Licensing and Excise Taxes. There are around 90 forms for applying for a business license, and training videos to help with the process. You can apply for the license online. The state of Colorado does not have a general business license, but many cities require businesses to have one to operate.
The requirements depend on the company's location and activities. Your requirements are determined by the industry in which you are located and the headquarters of your Colorado limited liability company. If your business isn't one of these special cases, the only federal requirements are for your LLC to obtain a Colorado EIN (also known as a federal employer identification number) and to file your taxes. Sole proprietorships and associations that operate under a name other than the owners' full name must file the business name statement (also known as Doing Business As or DBA) with the Colorado Secretary of State.
All Denver business license applications can be printed on the City of Denver's website or requested in person at 201 West Colfax Ave, Department 206. The application normally requires basic information, such as the name of the LLC, the EIN number, the business address, and contact information. Businesses that buy merchandise for resale will normally want to obtain a Colorado sales tax exemption certificate so as not to pay sales tax on merchandise that is resold to customers. The City of Denver requires that all people doing business within the city limits apply for and receive a business license from the Department of Licensing and Excise Taxes. There are approximately ninety different Denver business license applications that are used to grant licenses to businesses in Denver.
For example, if a municipality has a general business license requirement, all businesses operating in that municipality must be licensed, regardless of what they do. You can obtain a business license in Colorado by applying to the appropriate regulatory or licensing agency. And if a municipality has specific business licenses for an industry, a license or permit may be required depending on what your company does. For example, Colorado Springs requires businesses such as concrete contractors, excavators, pawn shops, tree services and others to obtain a business license from the City Clerk's office.